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擁有先進的口腔專業設備,較強的醫療技術實力,嚴格的正規消毒,舒適寬敞的診療環境,合理的收費標準,竭誠為你的牙齒健康提供系統科學的全方位專業服務。服務項目主要包括:植牙,牙齒美容,牙齒矯正,固定假牙,活動假牙,兒童牙科,潔牙+拋光,根管治療,牙周病治療,拔牙,補牙,保健與咨詢。歡迎你的光臨。 Panyu dongliang Dental ClinicBe the oral cavity professional training medical establishment that public health bureau official approval interposes. The doctor graduates without exception for the whole nation everywhere medical colleges and schools oral cavity special field. And gain insisting on that Health Department issues job doctor credentials. And engage Zhong Shan City medical university expert professor coming personally to give guidance and sit in person at the regular intervals examine. Own advanced ... [詳細介紹] |