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PEOPLE ORIENTED HEALTH AND CARING 大眾口腔擁有二級口腔專科醫院1家、連鎖門診26家,配備牙科綜合治療椅200臺,經營面積2萬平米,年門診量20萬人次,員工400多人,是新三板掛牌企業、湖北省守合同重信用單位、中華口腔醫學會理事單位、湖北省口腔醫學會常務理事單位、湖北省口腔醫學會民營口腔專委會主委單位、武漢市口腔醫學會民營口腔專委會主委單位、平安萬家“全國十強”醫療機構、武漢市醫保定點醫療機構、東風汽車公司定點醫療機構。 DaZhong Dental owns one second-class hospital and 26 chain clinics; 200 complex dental therapy chairs, over 20,000 m2 operating area with 200,000 annual outpatient visits, and over 400 employees. Its NEEQ Listed Enterprise,Hubei Province “Defend Contracts, Value Credits”Enterprise,Chinese Stomatological Association Council Enterprise,Hubei Stomatological Association Standing Council Enterprise,Hubei Stomatological Association Private Dental Special Committee Chair Enterprise,Wuhan Stomatological Association Private Dental Special Co... [詳細介紹] |